The Last minute Of 2022 卐 Subhuman russian(slavic) think they can hide in smoke, But i can sense them

Published on Jan 2, 2023

(December 27th, 2022)
Gaming time, My another game play on,
The time travel, The Last minute Of 2022 卐 subhuman alLIES russian(slavic) communist bolshevik trash think that they can hide in smoke, But i can sense where they are of course 😄

They trying to copy our Japanese army use smoke grenade to Banzai charge, But as you can see, These subhuman russian (Slavic)/ U.S (Jew Ass)/ freemason alLIES communist are too slow 🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

The Noble German Nordic Aryan and Japanese VS The Subhuman Reptilian and their mixed creatures on earth .
How One German Aryan SS elite tank smashed these subhuman reptilian freemason antifa semitic alLIES U.S(Jew Ass) French British jews russian(slavic) korean vietnam laos myanmar chinese nigger communist bolshevik trash on frontline .

Sometimes, When my gaming turn, Akio will sit beside me and point me out if i miss the enemies in front of me, He will say:
Russian !!!!! Here, 9 old clock !!!! Jews Chinese there !!!!! The U.S(Jew Ass) scumbags here, 3 old clock !!!!!
Then i will move real fast to take them down .

It feel like we are in a same tank .
So, I wanna thanks him here for help, And when his turn, I also keep an eyes on him and point our enemies out for him 卐

Most of the time i play alone on this game .

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